2 Quotes & Sayings By Robin Hood

Robin Hood was a legendary English outlaw who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. His story has been told in many forms over the centuries, but he has remained an inspiration to ordinary people since he first appeared in literature sometime during the late twelfth century. He is believed to have died by hanging for his crimes around 1247, though some tales say he has risen again.

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Robin Hood
Well, what was it to be a thief? He met the question at last, face to face, wiping the clammy drops of sweat from his forehead. God made this money - the fresh air, too - for his children's use. He never made the difference between poor and rich. Rebecca Harding Davis
At the end of the day, I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. If that makes me an outlaw, so be it. I’ve been called worse. Angela Parkhurst
The soft, fluttering cry of a barn owl rose over the churchyard. Silent men flowed out of the dark. Parke Godwin
He had danced with fair maidens before, but Odette was different. She was graceful and beautiful, but there was something in her eyes and in the things she said, an intelligence and a boldness that belied her quiet demeanor. Melanie Dickerson
We don't steal from the rich and give to the poor. We steal from the poor because they can't fight back --most of them-- and the rich take from us because they could wipe us out in a day. Peter S. Beagle
Because we always have a choice, even when it feels like we don't. A.C. Gaughen
Many people are trying hard to be invincible, and most of the time they fail invisible, while few find their spotlight. But the remarkable person is one, who can be both invincible and invisible at the same time. Anthony Liccione
Here have I come to die, ' he said, 'and where else could I ask to die but in your arms? Roger Lancelyn Green